

some are free and some for money
an example of macros buttons
source codes of catvbs
How to install
installation of catia V5 macros


creates axis of holes defined by curves or edges of surfaces and solids or center points

Do you have a lot of holes and need axis? Here is the macro. You can select any curve, edge or point. The macro creates the center point and three perpendicular lines. Then you can select another elements to create next axis until is macro execution interrupted. If created axis is selected you can modify axis length, rotate axis or delete axis - use and store last used length of created axis - axis length modification, rotation and deletion - multiple axis creation in one macro start An example. The plate with holes. Start the macro and select an edge of the hole. Here are axis created. Now you can select another holes to create next axis or modify the length of axis, axis direction or delete created axis. Select any element of created axis. The macro shows modification form. Change the length. The macro stores current length to the e3axis.ini file. Select any element of created axis again. Click on rotate button and select some edge to change the direction of axis. Here is the modified axis. Now you can continue to create next axis. This is the result. The macro uses 3 files: e3axis.catvbs ... main file e3axis.exe ...... form file e3axis.ini ...... here is stored last used length of axis Edit 3rd line of e3axis.catvbs to set your current path to the form file.

The source code you can download here.
