How to install macro?

e.g. installation of e3axis macro

                - download and extract to directory where you have stored your macros
                  (for example c:\my_catia_v5_macros)
                - you get 2 files - e3axis.catvbs ... main macro
                                  - e3axis.exe ...... popup window for additional axis modification
                - open e3axis.catvbs in wordpad and edit 3.rd line to set path to e3axis.exe file

                        form="v:\vbscripts\vbs\e3axis.exe" --> form="c:\my_catia_v5_macros\e3axis.exe"

                - save e3axis.catvbs and run macro in catia v5
                - the macro will run in demo mode without licence now

How to use licence file?

                - if you got the file e3axis.lic where is licence for e3axis macro
                - save e3axis.lic somewhere to your computer, for example to directory c:\my_catia_v5_macros
                - open e3axis.catvbs in wordpad and edit 4.rd line to set path to e3axis.lic file

                        licence="v:\vbscripts\vbs\e3axis.lic" --> licence="c:\my_catia_v5_macros\e3axis.lic"

                - save e3axis.catvbs and run macro in catia v5
                - the macro will run in full mode with licence now
